
Custom events that to work across mod loaders

  1. General
    1. Event Types
    2. Event Return Types
      1. Void
      2. InteractionResult
      3. Custom Callback
  2. Client Events
    1. Client Player Events
      1. World Join
      2. Quit World
      3. Respawn
    2. Render Events
      1. HUD Rendering
      2. On Health Bar Rendering
      3. On Food Bar Rendering
      4. On Breath Bar Rendering
      5. On Mount Health Bar Rendering
    3. Client Tick Events
      1. Pre Tick
      2. Post Tick
  3. Common Events
    1. Command Events
      1. Register Commands
  4. Entity Events
    1. On Interact with Player
    2. On Death
    3. On Breathe
  5. Player Events
    1. World Join
    2. Quit World
    3. Respawn
    4. Award Advancement
    5. Revoke Advancement
    6. Allow Sleep Time
    7. Finished Sleep Time
    8. Resource Events
      1. On Datapack Sync
    9. Server Level Events
      1. Level Load
      2. Level Unload


The Events are registered via a custom Event Factory. You can register listeners for the Event by using Event.register(handler);, where the handler is an instance of the Event Type. Events can be invoked, by using Event.invoke(). this returns an Event Type, that combines every registered listener Event Type.

Event Types

These are Functional Interfaces, that will be used for listener.

For example, the following is a valid Event Type:

public interface PlayerJoin {
    void join(ServerPlayer player);

You can create an Event using the following:

Depending on your Return Type, you need to use a different method of the EventFactory!

public static final Event<PlayerJoin> PLAYER_JOIN = EventFactory.createWithVoid();

A Listener can then be registered:

PLAYER_JOIN.register(player -> LOGGER.debug("player joined"));

And then the Event can be invoked:


Event Return Types

These are returned by the Event Type.


Listeners for events with this type can’t return anything.

For example:

public static final Event<PlayerJoin> PLAYER_JOIN = EventFactory.createWithVoid();


Listeners for events with this type must return an InteractionResult.

When the InteractionResult is not InteractionResult.PASS, the event is cancelled and so is the underlying Forge/Fabric/NeoForge event. If the listener returns an InteractionResult.FAIL, the task the event was running on, is also cancelled. (For Example, when returning an InteractionResult.FAIL for an RenderEvents.RENDER_MOUNT_HEALTH, the Mount Health will not be rendered).

For example:

public static final Event<AllowSleepTime> ALLOW_SLEEP_TIME = EventFactory.createWithInteractionResult();

Custom Callback

These events can require any return argument, and therefore, the usage and type is defined per event in the respective event section. When registering such an event, you also have to define some method to handle the different return values.

For example:

public static final Event<SleepFinishedTime> SLEEP_FINISHED_TIME = EventFactory.createWithCallback(callbacks -> (level, newTime) -> {
    long newNewTime = 0;
    for (SleepFinishedTime callback : callbacks) {
        long newTimeIn = callback.setTimeAddition(level, newTime);
        if (level.getDayTime() <= newTimeIn) {
            newNewTime = newTimeIn;
    return newNewTime;

Client Events

These Events only run on the Client-Side. Therefore, the bytecode is only present for clients.

Client Player Events

World Join

The following example prints the text “client player joined” in the client log, once the player joined a World. Return Type: Void

ClientPlayerEvents.CLIENT_PLAYER_JOIN.register(player -> LOGGER.debug("client player joined"));

Quit World

The following example prints the text “client player quit” in the client log, once the player leaves the world. Return Type: Void

ClientPlayerEvents.CLIENT_PLAYER_QUIT.register(player -> LOGGER.debug("client player quit"));


The following example prints the text “client player respawned” in the client log while the player is recreated. Return Type: Void

ClientPlayerEvents.CLIENT_PLAYER_RESPAWN.register((oldPlayer, newPlayer) -> LOGGER.debug("client player respawned"));

Render Events

HUD Rendering

This Event is called while the HUD is rendered. Return Type: Void

RenderEvents.HUD_RENDERING.register((graphics, tickDelta) -> LOGGER.debug("Rendering HUD"));

On Health Bar Rendering

This Event is called when the Health bar is rendered. Return Type: InteractionResult

Depending on the Minecraft version and the mod-loader, the graphics argument might be null!

RenderEvents.RENDER_MOUNT_HEALTH.register((player, graphics) -> LOGGER.debug("Rendering Health Bar"));

On Food Bar Rendering

This Event is called when the Food bar is rendered. Return Type: InteractionResult

Depending on the Minecraft version and the mod-loader, the graphics argument might be null!

RenderEvents.RENDER_FOOD.register((player, graphics) -> LOGGER.debug("Rendering Food Bar"));

On Breath Bar Rendering

This Event is called when the Breath bar is rendered. Return Type: InteractionResult

Depending on the Minecraft version and the mod-loader, the graphics argument might be null!

RenderEvents.RENDER_BREATH.register((player, graphics) -> LOGGER.debug("Rendering Breath Bar"));

On Mount Health Bar Rendering

This Event is called when the Mount Health bar is rendered. Return Type: InteractionResult

Depending on the Minecraft version and the mod-loader, the graphics argument might be null!

RenderEvents.RENDER_MOUNT_HEALTH.register((player, graphics) -> LOGGER.debug("Rendering Mount Health Bar"));

Client Tick Events

Pre Tick

This Event is called before the Minecraft Client ticks. Return Type: Void

    ClientTickEvents.CLIENT_PRE.register(mc -> LOGGER.debug("pre tick"));

Post Tick

This Event is called after the Minecraft Client ticks. Return Type: Void

    ClientTickEvents.CLIENT_POST.register(mc -> LOGGER.debug("post tick"));

Common Events

Events, that will run on the server-side, but can also run on the client-side, depending on the Event.

Command Events

Events, that have something to do with Commands

Register Commands

This Event is called when the commands are registered, so you can register custom commands. Return Type: Void

CommandEvents.REGISTRATION.register((dispatcher, registry, selection) -> LOGGER.debug("registering commands"));

Entity Events

On Interact with Player

Triggered, when the player interacts with an Entity Return Type: InteractionResult

 EntityEvents.INTERACT_WITH_PLAYER.register((player, entity, interactionHand) -> {
             LOGGER.debug("player interacted with an entity");
             return InteractionResult.PASS;

On Death

Triggered, when an Entity is about to die. Return Type: InteractionResult

 EntityEvents.LIVING_DEATH.register((player, entity, interactionHand) -> {
             LOGGER.debug("an entity is about to die");
             return InteractionResult.PASS;

On Breathe

Triggered, when an Entity is breathing. Return Type: InteractionResult

 EntityEvents.LIVING_BREATHE.register((entity, canBreathe) -> {
             LOGGER.debug("some entity can " + (canBreathe ? "" : "not ") + breathe);
             return InteractionResult.PASS;

Player Events

World Join

The following example prints the text “player joined” in server log, once the player joined a World. Return Type: Void

 PlayerEvents.PLAYER_JOIN.register(player -> LOGGER.debug("player joined"));

Quit World

The following example prints the text “player quit” in server log, once the player leaves the world. Return Type: Void

PlayerEvents.PLAYER_JOIN.register(player -> LOGGER.debug("player quit"));


The following example prints the text “player respawned” in the server log while the player is recreated. Return Type: Void

PlayerEvents.PLAYER_RESPAWN.register((oldPlayer, newPlayer) -> LOGGER.debug("player respawned"));

Award Advancement

Triggered when the player is granted a new advancement Return Type: Void

PlayerEvents.AWARD_ADVANCEMENT.register((player, advancement, criterionKey) -> LOGGER.debug("player was an advancement granted"));

Revoke Advancement

Triggered when the player is loses an advancement Return Type: Void

PlayerEvents.REVOKE_ADVANCEMENT.register((player, advancement, criterionKey) -> LOGGER.debug("player lost am advancement"));

Allow Sleep Time

Triggered when the game checks, whether the player can sleep that this time Return Type: Void

PlayerEvents.ALLOW_SLEEP_TIME.register((player, sleepingPos, vanillaResult) -> {
            LOGGER.debug("checking sleep time");
            return InteractionResult.PASS;

Finished Sleep Time

Triggered when the game calculates the new time after the players slept. It returns the in game time, the players are waking up to. Return Type: Custom Callback, Returns: long

PlayerEvents.SLEEP_FINISHED_TIME.register((level, newTime) -> {
            LOGGER.debug("players are waking up at " + newTime);
            return newTime;

Resource Events

On Datapack Sync

Called, when the game sync the datapacks Return Type: Void

ResourceEvents.DATA_PACK_SYNC.register(player -> LOGGER.debug("syncing Datapacks to some player"));

Server Level Events

Level Load

Called, when the game loads the server level Return Type: Void

ServerLevelEvents.LEVEL_LOAD.register(serverLevel -> LOGGER.debug("loading serverlevel"));

Level Unload

Called, when the game unloads the server level Return Type: Void

ServerLevelEvents.LEVEL_UNLOAD.register(serverLevel -> LOGGER.debug("unloading serverlevel"));

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