Terrain Height
Generate Minecraft worlds by map images!
Descendants of Terrain Height return an additional block height that is added to the zone specific height.
Basic Height
Always returns 0, resulting in entirely flat zones.
"type": "ctgen:basic_height"
Or in Java:
TerrainHeight terrain = new BasicHeight();
Noise Height
Places a random layer of noise over the world. The noise value is multiplied by the threshold modifier of the biome.
"type": "ctgen:noise_height",
"noise": {
"octaves": [
"frequency": 1,
"amplitude": 1
"persistence": 1.0,
"stretch": 1
- a noise codecoctaves
- the octaves for the SimplexNoise. Will be applied in the specified orderpersistence
- multiplies the amplitude for each octavestretch
- stretch the noise in x and z direction
Or in Java:
TerrainHeight terrain = new NoiseHeight(new Noise(List.of(1f), 1D, 1, 1));
Registering Terrain Height Types
You can also register a custom terrain height algorithm using code similar to this one:
public class BasicHeight extends TerrainHeight {
public static final Codec<BasicHeight> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(instance -> instance.stable(new BasicHeight()));
public static final ResourceLocation ID = new ResourceLocation(YourMod.MODID, "basic_height");
public double getHeight(MapSettings settings, SimplexNoise noise, int x, int z, double terrainModifier) {
return 0;
protected Codec<BasicHeight> codec() {
return CODEC;
To register the height algorithm, just use this snippet:
CTRegistries.TERRAIN.register(BasicHeight.ID, BasicHeight.CODEC);
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