General Help

Transform into a mob!

  1. Experiencing an issue or want to post suggestions?
  2. Using Abilities
  3. Using the Variants Menu
  4. Configuring Woodwalkers
  5. How to write addons for this mod
  6. Credits

Welcome to Woodwalkers, based on Identity by Draylar, written by To_Craft. Thank you to Supporters of this project!

Experiencing an issue or want to post suggestions?

Reach out to the Woodwalkers GitHub repository.

Using Abilities

To use a mob’s ability, press the R key. A cooldown indicator will appear in the bottom-right of the screen to show you when the ability can be used again. For a full list of abilities, visit Abilities in the wiki.

Using the Variants Menu

Open the Variants Menu by pressing “V”. You can scroll through it with your scroll-wheel. Accept the outlined variant by pressing “V” again.

Configuring Woodwalkers

Visit the config file at /config/walkers.json to control all elements of the mod.

How to write addons for this mod

My maven is here: tocraftMavenReleases, integrate this mod, by using: modApi "dev.tocraft:walkers-${modloader}:${mc_version}-${mod_version}"


General: To_Craft, Chronos_Sacaria, Draylar, x64architecture, Pyrofab, AllanChain, James103, lawleagle

Translators: Right now just me (To_Craft), but YOU are welcome the help! There’s even a custom texture for devs and translators o.O”